What can I do about my sister-in-law and neice?

My SIL is a terrible example of a mother, IMO. She is lazy, doesn’t clean up (has been evicted several times and kicked off of the state housing authority) due to this issue, has never taught her soon to be 14 year old daughter correct hygeine in any way shape or form. My Niece is a sweet girl but she does not wear deodorant, brush her teeth (which she has now over 13 cavieites and gum disease), bath regularly, change her under clothes daily anytime of the month, is overweight for her size (me too though so…), she also tells the tales of her “friends” who seem to do just about anything that is brought up in a conversation for example ( my friend-no real name given- sky dived and had a great time). There would be no concievable way this would happen around here most likely. Her mom did finally get a job at Wal-mart but she since her last eviction is living with her friends and they have a daughter who is bipolar and currently they were told not to stay because she had a fit, whatever.

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