I broke my lease early because I could not be around the drug use.
I didn’t know it was even an issue till November when it got colder and they started smoking and such inside. I gave my landlord a Facebook and verbal message of two months notice and he agreed.
since he was not able to find a roommate to replace me he is now taking me to small claims court for 15000. He claims I owe backrent of 6 and I don’t know what the rest is for, a deposit perhaps?
anyway, I do not owe him a thing.
Neither of us has written receipts or bank statements of what I have paid.
I feel like if I never paid the deposit why would he let me move in? And if I owed back rent every month why wouldnt he kick me out?
He is calling another roommate of ours as a false witness and he too does drugs with him.
I can’t afford the attorney fees.
Any suggestions?