I own a house in Florida. I have a renter who has not paid me rent in 6 months. I will not be sueing him for back rent mainly because I will probably not get it. So I have started the eviction process. We have served the 5 day notice etc. Now we are down to the 24 hour notice part. I believe now he will be thrown out by the Sheriff. Last week he went over to my mom’s house(who is handling things for me because I am away) He tried to ask for more time, claiming that he will file some sort of letter with the Clerk of Courts asking for 60 more days. He has 2 little kids and uses them as ammo to live for free. My mom went over there to see if he has left as he was repeatedly asked to do. My mom said he was out cutting the grass, kids playing in the yard, even
though (according to what we know) he will be physically removed from the property by Tuesday, it is now Saturday. Is there something up his sleave? Specifically, could he just come back a squat after we throw him out?? Any an all info on this would be great.
How do you evict someone from a rental property in the State of Florida?
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