What are the chances of us getting our refund back after it has been seized for a defaulted student loans?

I was wondering if anyone else has gone through the same thing. Supposedly we can fill out the economic hardship form and send them all our info and they would work with us and maybe give us our refund back. Has this been a success for anyone, or should I just start packing our stuff and be ready for eviction?
Not deferring, they already took the taxes, and I’m requesting the offset be returned due to the hardship but either way we fall under poverty line because one of us only works part time and gets Unemployment, I don’t work until late into the tax season for maybe 2 months out of the year at MOST. But yes, the link you sent was for a deferral, which I faxed in the beginning of the mess which for some reason they never got and defaulted my loan. If they had that form, none of this would be an issue.
Yes, I know all the legal crap behind it…but thanks for saying the zero chance part that’s what I was asking, have you gone thru it?

Letter to landlord, please help?

I need a professional letter sample in which I let the landlord know that the utility fees are in arrears and that he needs to attend to it. Also that he, and not me will be held liable for all legal fees should the matter go so far. I can’t find anything like that on the internet. He is really responsible for this bill. It need to sound attorney-like.


How to I get my fathers stuff out of his house, when his soon to be ex wife calls the cops if I “trespass”?

The house is in Washington State, my father is working over in Florida for months at a time and cant leave for fear of losing his job. My father and his “wife” have been given a 20 day eviction notice. If I try to go to the property she calls the cops. Is there some sort of document or power of attorney form he could fill out giving me rights to the property? I simply want to go in the house and remove his personal belongings.
more info- The house belongs to my grandfather who is now living in an assisted living home. All of the bills are still in my grandfathers name. My father moved in as caretaker of the house with no lease. While he was gone working in florida his wife moved in and registered her cars there, and gets her paycheck sent there. With washington law, that give her rights as a resident, so we have to go through the eviction process to get her out, and since they are still married we have to evict both of them. If he was in town he could simply go in and and get his stuff, but with his work that cant happen. She has already starting selling his tools and he has already lost a few thousand dollars in belongings.